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Thailand: Weather today
This page shows weather in Thailand. Well, it's a fine day today
? or rainy ? :)
Please click each weather when you want to know more in details.
(In the weather service, the weekly forecast can be seen. )
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Sunrise/Sunset in Bangkok
- Chiang Mai
- Khon Kaen
- Bangkok
- Rayong
- Phuket
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Weather of North East Thailand
- Sakon Nakhon
- Khon Kaen
- Mukdahan
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Tips, about weather in Thailand
- Basically hot ! and a little note.
In Thailand, it's basically hot , however it's cool or cold early morning in winter in Chiangmai. You might feel cool or cold in hotels also.
(I always feel like it's cold while sleeping in a hotel.)
I recommend you should have some jackets with you.
(They also can protect your beautiful skin from the direct sunlight. :D)
- Not use umbrellas so often.
It looks like they don't carry an umbrella even when it's raining.
This is because when it starts raining, people wait under eaves and so on, then start walking after finish raining.
(It seems like they don't care rains because dry quickly.)
- Not use caps/hats so often.
Talking about umbrellas, I notice that they don't use caps/hats so often
even it's hot outside in Thailand.
(Is this because caps/hats is not in fashion ?
Only my wife's dad sometimes wears a cap, though. :-D )
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