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Thailand - Chiang Mai (Baan Tong Luang)

Photo Gallery of Baan Tong Luang, Chiang Mai in Thailand.

Chiangmai is the largest city in Northern Thailand, about one hour from Bangkok by airplane.
Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village
Kids of Long Neck Karen. What are they looking at ? :)

The area has a rich history and a lot of places to visit that can be seen in another pages below (*1).

This page shows Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village where you can see the life of hill tribe people such as Karen, the very famous as a long neck tribe.

Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village

When I hear of a long neck tribe, the hill tribe village, Ban Nai Soi or Ban Huai Sua Tao in Mae Hong Son comes in my mind. The Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village where the long neck tribe and other hill tribe people live is about 40 minutes drive from Chiang Mai Airport in the direction of MaeSa Elephant Camp. I can not point the exact place on the map but it's near the MaeSa Elephant Camp. (See the map right)

 The Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village is a cultural preservation project and a tourism village, opened in 2005 to preserve the old traditional ways of Hill Tribe agriculture,  to provide an income for the Hill Tribe people, and for visitors not to take a lot of time to see the culture and way of life of Hill Tribe people. The hill tribes below live in the village and welcome visitors.
  • Lahu
  • Yao (or MIEN)
  • Palong

 It looks like their main source of income comes from the entrance fee, 500 Baht per person, and the sales of the folk crafts.

 This village is a tourism village and this means the way of life is different from their real life.

Some criticize this kind of village as a Human Zoo,  however, from the perspective of preservation of the culture and improvement of the life of their lives, I hope this village will get better and better for themselves and visitors.
 I found some document related to hill tribes in Thailand. If you are interested, check it below.

Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village

Around the entrance
The Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village is a cultural preservation project and a tourism village, opened in 2005 to preserve the old traditional ways of Hill Tribe agriculture,  to provide an income for the Hill Tribe people, and for visitors not to take a lot of time to see the culture and way of life of Hill Tribe people.
The Baan Tong Luang Eco-Agricultural Village is a cultural preservation project and a tourism village, opened in 2005 to preserve the old traditional ways of Hill Tribe agriculture,  to provide an income for the Hill Tribe people, and for visitors not to take a lot of time to see the culture and way of life of Hill Tribe people. Now, let's go ! :D
Around the entrance
About 40 minutes from the Chiang Mai Airport. A spacious place.
Around the entrance
Now, you can see the village.
Their house
You can go and see inside. (Take off your shoes !)
Looks like they are preparing for a meal.
Their house
You can go and see inside. (Take off your shoes !)
Looks like they are preparing for a meal.
Around the entrance
About 40 minutes from the Chiang Mai Airport. A spacious place.
Around the entrance
Now, you can see the village.
Their house
You can go and see inside. (Take off your shoes !)
Looks like they are preparing for a meal.
Gifts that the house selling which we checked inside.
A kid and a bow
A boy holding a bow.
Kid of Lahu tribe ?
A man selling whistles
He showed how to play the whistle.
Is he also a Lahu even though wearing a turban ?
A woman of the Lahu tribe
She wears a big earring.
Gifts that the house selling which we checked inside.
A kid and a bow
A boy holding a bow.
Kid of Lahu tribe ?
A man selling whistles
He showed how to play the whistle.
Is he also a Lahu even though wearing a turban ?
A woman of the Lahu tribe
She wears a big earring.
MIEN or YAO Tribe
A board shows the direction of MIEN or YAO Tribe living area.
They have the characteristics of their red clothes.
Scenery around
Relaxing and peaceful place.
Scenery around
Relaxing and peaceful place.
In the field
A woman of Lahu tribe ?
Looks like she is checking a mobile phone in the field...
MIEN or YAO Tribe
A board shows the direction of MIEN or YAO Tribe living area.
They have the characteristics of their red clothes.
Scenery around
Relaxing and peaceful place.
In the field
A woman of Lahu tribe ?
Looks like she is checking a mobile phone in the field...


[Baan Tong Luang] Karen people

Karen Tribe
One scene in the village.
 Karen people are explained like below:
 - Long Neck's History -

The Karen hill tribes (Long neck or Padong) originally lived in Myanmar on the area adjacent to Chiang Rai. Later, they had immigrated through the boundary of Chiang Rai to live in the area of Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai for 20 years approximately, with the career as working as the employee in agricultural work.

After that, in year 2005, they moved to live at Baan Tong Luang, the ecological agriculture village in order to work as employee in sufficient agriculture by holding alien labor card, Myanmar nationality, totaling 16 persons issued by Department of Labor in Chiang Mai.
The village
A lot of shops along the street.
Women of Karen Tribe
They are wearing rings around their necks.
They wear decoration like the picture. Beautiful.
A church in the village.
They believe in Christianity ?
The village
A lot of shops along the street.
Women of Karen Tribe
They are wearing rings around their necks.
They wear decoration like the picture. Beautiful.
A church in the village.
They believe in Christianity ?
People of Karen 1
People of Karen 2
People of Karen 1 People of Karen 2
People of Karen 3
People of Karen 4
People of Karen 3 People of Karen 4
People of Karen 5
People of Karen 6
People of Karen 5 People of Karen 6
They have cute dolls with long necks. I bought it ! :D
They have cute dolls with long necks. I bought it ! :D
Scenery around 1
Shops along the street.
Scenery around 2
Shops along the street.
Scenery around 3
On of shops.
They also have decorations of long neck.
Scenery around 4
They are handmade bags.
Scenery around 1
Shops along the street.
Scenery around 2
Shops along the street.
Scenery around 3
On of shops.
They also have decorations of long neck.
Scenery around 4
They are handmade bags.
Scenery around 5
Shops and around.
Scenery around 5
Shops and around.

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[Baan Tong Luang] Scenery of the village

This village has a relaxing and peaceful scenery with rice fields and nature as an ecological agricultural village.
This village has a relaxing and peaceful scenery with rice fields and nature as an ecological agricultural village.
There is also a shop.
Kids love sweets or snacks as everywhere else.
Idyllic scenery 1
Scenery in harmony with nature.
Rice field and a kid
What is he doing ? :D
There is also a shop.
Kids love sweets or snacks as everywhere else.
Idyllic scenery 1
Scenery in harmony with nature.
Rice field and a kid
What is he doing ? :D
Nothing but the mark for men.
Nothing but the mark for women.
Palong Tribe
Women of Palong Tribe ?
Because they are wearing silver belts.
Idyllic scenery 2
Scenery in harmony with nature.
Nothing but the mark for men and women.
Palong Tribe
Women of Palong Tribe ?
Because they are wearing silver belts.
Idyllic scenery 2
Scenery in harmony with nature.
Decorated necklaces.
A woman of Lahu Tribe
A woman of Lahu Tribe ?
She is wearing a big earring.
Decorated necklaces.
A woman of Lahu Tribe
A woman of Lahu Tribe ?
She is wearing a big earring.

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